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Things Nobody Tells You About Wasps

Things Nobody Tells You About Wasps

Posted by Muzi On 28 Sep, 2016

Tackle an infestation with ease when you know everything about them.

Having a wasp infestation in your home could entirely reverse the feelings of comfort and safety. Although not a native of Australia Melbourne's climate conditions only make it more comfortable for them to reside here.

In fact you cannot even afford a visiting wasp or two in your home as it soon could turn into an infestation whose control and removal only a professional exterminator can take care of.

While you anyway cannot deal with the control and removal of an infestation yourself there definitely are certain practices you could ensure so that wasps do not find your home suitable for nesting.

These practices are based on the behaviour, lifestyle and facts unique to wasps. You know what they say - getting to know your enemy is the first step to strategy.

Here are Some Lesser Known Facts about Wasps:

  • Look:

    Wasps are black and yellow in colour with 2 pairs of wings. They measure to be about 1.2-1.6 cm and have black antennae.

    One of the first steps for control and removal is being able to identify them when you see them.

  • Origination:

    Wasps were first found in Tasmania and spread across the nation in a span of 20 years. You can be sure that efforts were made for control and removal of any infestations but they still triumphed.

    Now that you know how they can take over such a huge space you're better off tackling wasps at the slightest sign of them.

  • Food:

    They eat anything like fruit, garbage, and processed food right up to scavenging food from just about any source.

    As is expected your home or front yard is bound to have one or more of these items and could definitely act as bait for wasps. An inspection to see all these items are inaccessible to wasps in the surrounding areas is a must.

  • Habitat:

    They create their nests in sheltered areas that are concealed well. These sheltered areas include holes, crevices, barks of trees, etc. and are most likely to develop from December to March.

    Your home is bound to have nooks, corners and crevices that would form ideal places for a nest to be set up. Inspection of these places is a must or you might discover an infestation too late.

  • Signs:

    The only way to locate wasp's nests is by paying attention to them as they flit to and fro.

    Wasps do not hover but plainly enter and exit. It is best not to tamper with a nest by yourself but rather call in an expert or your run the risk of wasps sending out a signal to neighbouring wasps to come and bring a fight to your home.

    If inspection leads to discovery of a nest get in touch with professional for control and removal of the infestation.

Control or removal of a wasp infestation is really no easy task that you can take on single-handedly. Thorough inspection of your home on a regular basis is something that comes into play all the time and can help you learn of an infestation in your home at the earliest.

Facts like those mentioned above can also aid you in playing exterminator more effectively. And if you really cannot handle the situation on your own get on touch with any of Melbourne's reputed pest control services.

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