Seagulls Nest

Seagull Pest Control in Melbourne

Seagull Control MelbourneWhether your property is used for residential purposes or business purposes, seagulls can be a huge nuisance as well as cause damage.

Apart from the fact that they destroy the surrounding areas of your building by trying to make nests, their feces can mess up the visual appearance and contaminate the premises with bacteria. It comes as no surprise then that most people are on the lookout for seagull removal services and a system that controls the population of these pests.

Although seagulls are birds they can be as daunting and damaging as other grave pests, making sure that pest control and removal professionals list them as one of the pest treatments and services they provide.

Seagulls are also known as Silver gulls and are protected under the Wildlife act of 1975. Their protection ensures that no matter how big a nuisance they are owners must apply under for a permit to control seagulls.

As mentioned above, among the many problems they cause, the most problematic are issues of the odour, nests droppings on cars and walls of buildings, noise, etc. If you happen to be facing these problems and have a seagull infestation to hand, you should ask a professional pest control and treatment service to take care of the matter for you.

Identifying Seagulls

Silver gulls are known by their signature look of black-tipped silver-grey wings, white eyes and a red eye-ring. They have an orange-red bill along with orange-red legs. Baby seagulls have black eyes a dark grey-brown bill and legs and spotted grey-brown wings.

Seagulls are known to have 1 or 2 broods a year comprising of 3 eggs in each batch/clutch. The eggs have a 25-day incubation period and the young silver gulls will usually spend 35-42 days growing in the nest. Silver gulls are mostly found along the coast and near water bodies, which may be rivers, inland waters and the sea. More importantly, they live in large colonies and hence, spotting one easily means you have more to deal with.

Over the past few years, these pests have grown in numbers. However, their habits have more or less remained the same. Seagulls are omnivorous making it difficult to cut off their food source entirely. You can take note that they eat away from their roosting areas, which means you have to deal with them close to their roosting areas as well as feeding spots.

As for building nests, they prefer to do so in cliffs and buildings. Combine these factors and you can be sure that their control and removal is no easy task. This makes it all the more important to have an effective inspection and treatment system in place to assess and take care of the matter.

Are You Familiar with the Extent of the Damage Silver Gulls Can Cause with Their Presence?

Seagull droppings

  • Their sheer number combined with scavenging habits make them a nuisance to have around and make it difficult to deal with the mess they cause for homes and businesses.
  • Silver gulls make it difficult for terns and other species of sea birds to breed in the same area.
  • Their droppings contaminate the area thereby raising the risk of illnesses and respiratory diseases.
  • Their droppings can also destroy the clean appearances of business buildings, homes and cars or other vehicles. Not only is it bad to look at but it can also destroy the paint.
  • Seagulls tend to nest in roofs and gutters which eventually result in their blockage disrupting the smooth functioning of these services.
  • They can also create a hazard to aircraft and airports, helicopters present at offshore oil and gas rigs, etc.
  • These pests can further contaminate any water storages, pools, picnic areas, etc. with their droppings and regurgitated matter.
  • You can't miss the noise, odour issues and the risk of getting startled by their sudden swooping especially during nesting season. It goes without saying, these are almost sea-gull patented pest problems.
  • Their feces have a lot of disease-causing germs, most of which are transferable to humans.
  • Finally, they can cause a decline in the population of other native wildlife by attacking their eggs or infants birds and infant marine turtles, etc.

Why are These Pests Increasing in Number?

Whether it's all over the country's coastal areas or near your business building/home, the fact remains that their population has become a cause of concern.

However, like all other pests, the higher the comfort level of their living conditions the more they will be encouraged to breed and reside wherever they are doing so.

Effective seagull control and removal is impossible without the assessment and treatment of these factors. If you do signal a professional control and removal service, you'll find that they will point out:

  • Easy access to food sources encourages them to stay:

    As mentioned above, these birds are scavengers and fill their stomach with just about anything. Being omnivorous, they will not run out of options to feed on. And if those 'options' are easily available it gives all the more reason to stay of keep returning.

  • Easy access to nesting spots encourages them to breed:

    Because of the limitation of ideal roosting places near beaches and headlands, they have now adapted and look to flat open areas like roofs and carparks to use as their roosting site. Naturally, easy access to these sites will facilitate their breeding and growing in numbers.

  • The lack of prevention and control treatments or a predator encourages them to invade your space:

    Predators are an important part of the food chain because they keep populations in check. The Silver Gull's predator is the Peregrine Falcon. However, with urbanization and losing its natural habitat, this species is hardly ever seen, which means silver gulls have nothing to be afraid of. To add to that, if no control and removal system is present, they have even lesser reason to fear and hence, will not stop increasing in numbers.

What are Some Seagull Pest Control Measures That People Resort to?

Given that seagull pest control and removal is so important to most home and business owners, there are a couple of options.

Seagull Proofing Neting

  • Seagull Exclusion System
  • Bird Shock
  • Bird Slope
  • Bird Spikes
  • Bristle Strips and Bird Guard Systems

In addition to these methods, people also try population control by attempting to shoot the birds or coat the eggs in oil or pricking the eggs to prevent them from hatching, etc. But the point remains that this may yield very marginal results and these techniques do nothing to prevent them from returning. This is why professional seagull pest control is so important. With their skilled and knowledgeable inspection services and certified experts coming up with a treatment that takes care of the infestation for good, silver gull pest control and removal is now easier and more importantly reliable.

Why Protech Pest Control?

At Protech Pest Control, we are committed to returning the peace, security and sanitation of your home or business by eradicating your pest problem.

Our technicians are certified and possess in-depth knowledge on the pest behaviour, types of treatments that you can employ. They will chart out a system to get rid of the seagulls in a way that is hassle-free but reliable. Call us today for a free quote!

Did You Know...

  • We provide same day seagull control service.
  • We have over 2 decades of experience in the Pest Control field.
  • We are accredited and licensed to carry out pest & seagull control services from the Victorian government.
  • We make use of the most up-to-date non-destructive technology for silver gull control.
  • We have a specialist division for inspections, reports and treatments.
  • We guarantee getting rid of seagulls and ensure they do not return.
  • We can ensure you, your loved ones and the environment's safety by offering natural and biodegradable treatments for getting rid of seagulls.

Client Testimonials

We had a technician called Joe come out. Service was top notch. Would highly recommend
- Tony Maiuto

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4/11 Cooper Street, Campbellfield,
VIC 3061, Australia

Phone: 1300 486 149, (03) 9449 4244
Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
ABN: 46098709472